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UK Department for Business & Trade #InvestEastMidlands campaign

A campaign to promote investment into the region, giving a captivating snapshot of what it has to offer and highlighting the myriad opportunities it presents, using VEV online publishing tool.

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In 2023, Optima successfully won a tender from the UK's Department for Business & Trade to promote investment into the East Midlands region.

Recognising the lack of marketing resources for the area, we introduced the campaign initiative 'Invest East Midlands'. Our approach involved the use of the online tool 'VEV' to provide a comprehensive snapshot of the region's offerings, including investment opportunities, case studies, and calls to action. Collaborating with stakeholders, we curated compelling content, ensuring equal representation for each area. The result was a successful launch of the inaugural edition, labelled 'Issue 1', with plans for future editions in 2023 and beyond.


  • Digital design
  • Stakeholder management
  • Content generation and curation
  • Online publishing


  • UK Governement


Optima assumed full responsibility for content generation in the project, prioritising cost-effectiveness and environmental sustainability. By leveraging the powerful capabilities of the VEV tool, we developed an immersive platform that effectively showcases the region's vibrant economic activities and plentiful investment prospects. This initiative successfully connects the East Midlands with a broader network of business contacts, fostering engagement and facilitating the sharing of valuable opportunities across networks.

Our campaign is designed to highlight the region's vast potential and showcase its diverse range of opportunities. From thriving industries and innovative startups to world-class infrastructure and a skilled workforce, we leave no stone unturned in capturing the essence of what makes this region a prime destination for investment.

Key features of the campaign website include the presentation of good news stories through engaging case studies, as well as a strong emphasis on highlighting potential opportunities.

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